adidas, Girls on the Run Recap Deck


adidas and Amazon launched a partnership with Girls on the Run to help girls unlock their limitless potential through training, running and education. We believe in the power of sport, and see young girls as a group that has limitless and untapped potential to improve our world. Our mission? Bring that to life for thousands of young girls. After the amazing event, we created a recap deck to highlight the best of the best.

TEVA Field Agents 2020 Strategy Presentation Deck.


Teva is the go-to footwear for the modern outdoor consumer. Archrival recruits, hires and manages a field team of charismatic individuals who epitomize this lifestyle to represent the brand at their key retail partners. In order to train our agents, we create a branded presentation.

American Heart Association Presentation


American Heart Association teaches kids heart-healthy habits and how physical activities can be fun. They also emphasizes the importance of raising funds to support cardiovascular research and education. Every year AHA presents to schools across the US. The kids are empowered knowing they can helps save lives in their community and across the country. The presentation includes some fun and engaging characters with their own “super powers.”. We were asked to design the characters based off of some existing keychain figures.

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.


LLS’s program; Pennies for Patients, connects schools with local blood cancer patients. We created a child friendly look into Leukemia and the heroes that fight against the disease. We created posters, a Power Point Presentation deck and other branded materials.


Concept Art

